Sunday, April 13, 2014

Board Game Group Project: Age of Adventure

Age of Adventure a fantasy Adventure Board Game Created by Colleen Jennings, Rachael Waldroup, Caitlin Brown, and Christiana Broughton

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Chicago: The Muscial Poster

The poster Chicago was made for the 1996 showing of Chicago the Musical, the longest running musical revival. The Poster features black and white photography done by Max Vadukul of the sexy main characters from the show as well as the most eye catching part of the poster the big red "Chicago". The combination of the black and white and the bold red brings out the over all feeling of the play which I fine very interesting.

Margo Chase

Margo Chase graduated school with a degree in Biology along with experience in medical illustrations, in 1986 Chase founded a design group that helped to translate her interest in gothic architecture and medieval manuscripts into a successful business. In the late 1990s Chase created dozens of typeface her most notable type faces were created for famous singer Madonna and popular tv show Buffy the Vampire slayer. What caught my eye about this designer was the logo for Buffy the vampire slayer as well as several other typography logos the designer had done, I realized I've been a fan of her work for a long time I like the use of her bold black lines the have minimal subtle details to make them distinctive.