Sunday, March 16, 2014

Designer: William Addison Dwiggins

William Addison Dwiggins attended the Frank Holme School of illustration in Chicago in 1904 soon after which he established himself as a freelance artist. in 1923 he began his career in book design then from the late 1920 through the next three decades he made his mark by designing book jackets and interiors in collaboration with Alfred A. Knopf inc. there he produced over 300 works. Dwiggins even began a career in type design after he created his first commissioned sans serif Metroblack.

I chose Dwiggins to discuss because I am drawn to the elegant nature of his book cover designs, uses very decorative shapes to border the titles of the book but not so much that it over powers the title but enhances it. I also love how he has chosen to surround that decorative border with empty space to give it even more impact. The illustrative quality of his work reminds me a lot of art nouveau.

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