Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Chapter 1: Design Discipline

Identity Design: a visual system that makes a product, service, or organization easily identifiable through the use of elements such as colors, typography and other visual cues .

Branding: to form an overall perception of any product, service, or organization in the customers mind through a variety of means, ranging from staff behavior to photography in a print campaign.

Collateral Design: printed material used to provide information about ones business ad give it an image such as brochures, pamphlets, manuals, catalogs etc.

Environmental Design: the application of design to a specific environment, an environment being more like a place such as a museum, airport, train or subway station.

Iconography: a cohesive system of dozens of icons that communicate a extensive amount of varying information in a unified style and with the least number of visual elements possible and evolved for a range of applications like user interfaces for computers and handheld devices.

Information Design: presenting complex information such as statistics, research findings, data comparisons, forms, and more in the most effective and easily understood way possible, usually through diagrams charts, graphs iconography and illustration or photography.

Editorial Design: creating unique layouts under a consistent style, governed by strict grids for shaping the layout and pacing of magazines, newspapers, and books .

Poster design: a device for conveying information, a provocative voice for calling to action, or a seductive lure for selecting a specific product or service, used for announcing events to serving causes of activism or public awareness.

Packaging: Manifests in in the endless array of products people purchase and creates a unique and recognizable presence on store shelves across regions and even countries. The challenge to persuade the consumer to pick the product it embodies over another.

Interactive Design: Focuses on usability and accessibility of the design, and strives for the least obstructive and most intuitive interaction with the information, Websites becoming the most common expression of interactive design.

Motion Graphics: . A discipline practiced as far back as the 1920s, motion graphics are the integration and orchestration of typography, imagery, sound, digital effects and story telling with movement and time.

Grid: helps to maintain visual simplicity and uniformity through deployment of design elements on mathematically constructed grid, it is an infrastructure upon which to build both complex and austere layouts

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